archive of home page posts


Saturday, December 16th, 2023 Meet and Greet with Congressman Adam Schiff

Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 COPE Interview for 16th Congressional District

Join us and the San Mateo CLC tomorrow Tuesday, December 12th at 5:30pm on Zoom. Click here to join.

Final endorsement recommendations for the race above will occur at the December 18th SBLC Delegates Meeting.

Email [email protected] to confirm your attendance.


Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 COPE Field Kick-Off

Join your union family Saturday, December 2nd at 9am for the SBLC's campaign kick-off for the March 2024 Primary Elections. In addition to hearing from our special guests, we will be knocking on doors to help elect our endorsed candidates, so don't forget to wear comfy shoes and bring a charged cell phone.

Families are welcome to attend and we appreciate your commitment to working people!


Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at San Jose State University

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at San Francisco Union Square

Join a rally featuring workers, Lorena Gonzalez of the California
Labor Federation, and Will Wiltschko of California Trade Justice Coalition to oppose Big Tech awful "digital trade" agenda that threatens union-wage jobs, civil rights, workplace
safety, AI accountability, and the protection of personal privacy.

December 2nd COPE Field Kick-Off

Email [email protected] to confirm your attendance for our 2024 March Primary Election kick-off!


Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Join us tomorrow October 24th to Take Action Against Hate! Last month, we came together to reaffirm San José's commitment to equality and unity. Stand with us on October 24, 2023, at 1:30 pm at the City Council meeting, in person or remotely. Let's make it clear there's no room for hate in our city. Your voice matters - share your stories and stand up for justice.

Special Election Precinct Walk!

This Saturday, October 28th, the South Bay Labor Council and the Santa Clara County Democratic Party will be canvassing for Lisanna Dominguez for San Jose/Evergreen Community College District Trustee Area 7. Lisanna received sole endorsements from both of our organizations, so we will be working to ensure she gets elected in the special election held on November 7th, 2023. We have only 2 weeks left to talk to voters!

Responsible Construction Ordinance Briefing

Join the South Bay Labor Council, the Santa Clara & San Benito Building Trades Council, the Wage Theft Coalition and Working Partnerships USA for a briefing on the Responsible Construction Ordinance this Thursday, October 26th at 4:30pm on Zoom. Email [email protected] to register and learn about strengthening worker protections in the City of San Jose.


October 18th, 2023 SAG-AFTRA Action at Netflix in Los Gatos

Join the South Bay Labor Council in support of the striking SAG-AFTRA workers. Union leaders and community allies will gather at Netflix in solidarity and demand a fair contract and good faith negotiations!

October 5th, 2023 at the Hollister Veteran's Memorial Building

In Honor of John Nunes

Support Kaiser Workers - October 5 in San Jose


November 7, 2023 Special Election 

COPE Interview Schedule


Join us in welcoming Speaker Robert Rivas

September 21st, 2023 at Strada Verde

September 20th at San Jose City Hall

Councilmembers Pam Foley and Omar Torres are introducing a resolution that pushes back against hate, and they need our support. Here’s what we you do: 

  1. Show Up: Bring your friends and stand with us in solidarity. 

    • Where: In front of San Jose City Hall (200 E Santa Clara St) 

    • When: this Wednesday September 20th at 11:30 am 

  2. Speak Out: Attend and testify at the hearing. Show the Council that we all stand together as a community against hate by joining us in the council chambers. While you’re there, you can speak up and provide testimony to tell the committee why you support Councilors Torres and Foley’s memo. 

    • Where: Testimony can be given in-person at City Hall (200 E Santa Clara St)  or virtually: 

    • When:  2:00 pm Wednesday September 20th. 

    • How: Detailed instructions for giving testimony virtually are below.

      Via Zoom:

      • Enter an email address and name. The name will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.

      • When the Mayor or Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.” Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak.

      • When called, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.

Sacramento Bus Trip – Rally for Good Jobs and Safe Streets

In coordination with the Teamsters, the South Bay Labor Council and the San Mateo County Central Labor Council are hosting a bus trip to Sacramento on Tuesday, September 19th. Thousands of union members will caravan to the Capitol and demand that Governor Newsom support AB 316, a bill that requires a trained human safety operator to be present any time a self-driving, heavy-duty vehicle operates on public roads in the state. If you want to join us for this important event, please email [email protected] to reserve a seat.

San Jose Pick-up: 6am at the South Bay Labor Council (2302 Zanker Road)

Foster City Pick-up: 7:30am at the San Mateo County Central Labor Council (1153 Chess Drive)






Wednesday, September 13th on Zoom

2023 COPE Interview Schedule



2023 Labor Day Weekend BBQ



South Bay Labor Council Endorses Domingo Candelas




Join us in Sacramento on September 19th! 


Silicon Valley Pride and Labor

The South Bay Labor Council is proud to support our LGBTQ+ family and we welcome volunteers and allies to show solidarity in San Jose this weekend.  Silicon Valley Pride is an opportunity to celebrate, learn, and support the LGBTQ+ community. Below is information about how you can participate.

Pride at Work Booth

Volunteers are needed to cover shifts at the Pride at Work booth on August 26th and 27th. Please contact Lyseria Kursave, President of the South Bay Pride at Work chapter, for details about volunteering at 619-201-6194 or [email protected].


Pride March with Labor

Join educators and union members from across Silicon Valley this year as we march together in Pride! Show your support for your students and community; LGBTQ+ and straight allies welcome!


When:    10 am-12 noon, Sunday, August 27, 2023

Where:   Intersection of Market Street and Julian Street in downtown San Jose

             (parking available at San Pedro Square Garage)

Why:      Show support for LGBTQ+ students, families, and colleagues!

Questions:  Email [email protected] for more information



Tuesday, August 22nd SAG AFTRA Picket Line


South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Statement Regarding the City of San Jose

August 15, 2023

"Year after year, San Jose has failed to provide residents essential city services due to crippling staff shortages, a crisis Mayor Mahan promised voters he would alleviate. Yet given the opportunity to retain and attract workers with fair and competitive compensation packages, it has been deeply disappointing to see Mahan abdicate his leadership role and choose instead to deride his colleagues on the City Council for reaching an equitable contract settlement with city workers. 

If Mahan is to successfully fulfill his myriad promises to voters, he needs to lead a strong team of dedicated city workers and maximize the fiscal resources that already exist. While Mayor Mahan preaches the need for courage, his use of fearmongering and scare tactics about higher taxes and service cuts sends the exact wrong message to those same workers he claims deserve a generous raise. Leadership is not pitting residents against workers. We are all part of the same community and appreciate the demonstration of support and responsible governance by a majority of the San Jose City Council."

- Jean Cohen, Executive Officer





Press Contacts: Juliana Park - IFPTE Local 21 Communications Specialist, [email protected], (949) 870-6336


Strike Averted: San Jose City Workers Win Historic Agreement


(San Jose, CA) — On Tuesday, August 15, the bargaining teams of IFPTE Local 21 and MEF-AFSCME Local 101 have both reached tentative agreements with the City of San Jose that would last from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. These tentative agreements include historic investments in recruiting and retaining staff to make our public services stronger. The bargaining teams of both unions endorsed the three-year tentative agreement and have called off the scheduled August 15-17 strike.


“Going into bargaining this year, our number one issue was the understaffing crisis that impacts our members and our community. The City’s Housing Department has been historically short-staffed, which has a direct impact on our ability to build affordable housing. Staffing up our departments means ensuring city employees can afford to live and work in the city they serve. This tentative agreement is a major step in that direction. I will be voting ‘yes’ to approve it and my hope is that moving forward, we will be equipped to stay and serve this city and the community that we know and love,” said Michael Jun, Housing Development Officer.


Highlights of the 2023-2025 tentative agreements include:

  • Historic wage increases: 6% in year one, 5% in year two, and 3.5-4% in year three
  • An increase from one to eight weeks of paid family leave
  • More competitive bilingual pay to better serve our diverse residents
  • Retention and recruitment improvements for critically understaffed public safety and housing development positions


“As an expecting mother, I can say that this agreement finally meets the standard for paid family leave in the region, and raises the bar for all working families here in San Jose,” said Sarah Abroff, Associate Transportation Specialist. 


The membership of IFPTE Local 21 and MEF-AFSCME Local 101 will review the tentative agreements before voting on whether or not to ratify them as their new contracts.



September 2nd Labor Day Weekend BBQ

Join labor and community to celebrate working families in the South Bay. California Labor Federation Executive Secretary Treasure Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher will be our special guest. 


SEIU- UHW August 9th South Bay Actions

Recently several Satelite healthcare locations held elections to unionize and the workers at these locations won their elections. They are trying to get a contract but Satelite management has scraped all of the bargaining dates. They are making it difficult for these healthcare workers who have legally chosen the right to form a union to have a fair contract. Pickets will be held on August 9th from 10a-12p and 11-1p at Satelite Healthcare locations.


Blossom Valley - 1450 Kooser Rd, San Jose, CA 95118 10a-12p

Satelite Milpitas 1860 Milmont Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035 11a -1p


August 8th Meet and Greet with Barbara Lee




August 10th Silicon Valley Pain Index

Tuesday, August 1st at 9am

Join the South Bay Labor Council and Working Partnerships USA for an informative briefing about Fast-food Workers in San Jose.


 Click HERE to register for the 8/1 Fast Food Workers briefing!

On Wednesday, August 2nd, fast-food cooks and cashiers will go on strike across San Jose to demand solutions to the low pay, wage theft, violence, harassment, and other unsafe working conditions plaguing the industry. 

At three rallies across the city, striking workers will urge support for their fight for a seat at the table to find industry-wide solutions to the issues they face on the job. Striking workers will also be joined by labor leaders and community activists in San Jose who recognize the critical need to make fast-food jobs good jobs in the city and across the state. Please join us for an online campaign briefing on August 1st and at one of the rallies in San Jose on August 2nd.



July 30th Starbucks San Jose Sip-In





July 25th San Benito County Board of Supervisors Action


August 2nd - San Jose Fast Food Workers Strike





July 25th and 26th SEIU UHW South Bay Action







SAG-AFTRA Action at Netflix in Los Gatos

Join the South Bay Labor Council in support of the striking SAG-AFTRA workers. Tomorrow, Thursday, July 20th in Los Gatos, union leaders and community allies will gather at Netflix in solidarity and demand a fair contract and good faith negotiations!

WHEN: Thursday, July 20th from 12pm-4pm

WHERE: 101 Albright Way, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (Building G entrance near Winchester Blvd). Parking is available at nearby Legacy Church located at 16735 Lark Avenue. 

WHY:  Performers in the film, streaming and television industries have never faced a greater threat to their professions. Over the past decade, while giant media companies report record profits, protections and compensation for talent have greatly diminished. AI technology now poses an additional peril, and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers thinks they have the upper hand.

Whether you're a member, fan, social advocate, local business owner, an organization, an elected official, or just someone who believes in fairness, we need your support. Contrary to popular belief, most performers are working class people who aren’t getting rich through huge paydays, and their ability to have a sustainable career is in danger. Learn more about the strike by clicking here.



July 19th CalCare Town Hall



California Nurses Association


Hazel Hawkins is the only hospital in Hollister, and serves all of San Benito County. Our emergency room alone treated tens of thousands of patients last year. 

Since November of 2022, nurses and other health care workers at our hospital have shown up to care for patients in the face of understaffing and financial uncertainty communicated to us by hospital administrators. 

We are demanding accountability and transparency from the hospital administration, the HHMH district board and our elected representatives to ensure our community has the access to care and the full-service hospital we deserve.

Our decision makers must be held accountable. Join us on July 6th, 2023 at 6pm as well as other healthcare workers and allies at an important community town hall to discuss the devastating impacts this bankruptcy could have on our community.

Over the last five years, Hazel Hawkins has received more than $20 million from property taxes collected by San Benito County. Last December, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors agreed to give Hazel Hawkins a tax advance of more than $2 million, and in January the hospital was granted a $3 million loan by the state.

We are seeing millions of dollars being poured into this hospital, but we know very little about how it is being spent. Please join the July 6th action - RSVP NOW »


Save Hazel Hawkins!








June 13th - SEIU 521 Call to Action

Writers Guild of America

June 5th Action in Cupertino 


Santa Clara County is one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. We've spoken to thousands of community members over the years and the first issue that constantly comes up in these conversations is the cost of rent.

When families have to choose between paying the rent or putting food on the table, we know it’s time to take bold action.

That’s why Working Partnerships USA and other statewide partners are talking to working families across San Jose to hear their most pressing housing issues and organize to change our current conditions.

We are hosting virtual phone banks on 5/31, 6/1, 6/5, and 6/6 from 4:30pm-7pm. Can we count on you to join?

2023 Labor Day Weekend BBQ




May 20th Bowling for Change Sponsors



Email [email protected] for event information today!

Organize California Institute Coming to the Bay Area

May Day


May 20th Bowling for Change 




March 4th Union Soccer Night

Join us March 17th for Breakfast with Zoe Lofgren!



UC Berkeley Lectures on the Morals of Trade

(click here for more event details and contact information) 

Bales Web Ads_300x250.png


Bales Web Ads_300x600.png



Vote for Labor ADEMS!

To build power and strategic relationships that advance a labor and pro-worker agenda, many union members are also involved in the California Democratic Party. The California Democratic Party is comprised of 3,000 delegates (called ADEMS) who meet once a year to set the party platform, endorse state candidates, and share ideas that help working families. These people shape the policy and electoral work of the statewide party and it’s critical that the voice of labor is represented.

How can you help? Register and vote! Encourage others to do the same.

Who can vote? Any registered Democrat 18 years and over can vote for candidates running in their Assembly Districts (click HERE to identify your Assembly District).

Voting Instructions to Support Labor Candidates

(Click HERE for instructions in Spanish and Vietnamese)


Vote to ensure that the labor movement and working families have a voice at the table!


Any registered Democrat can vote by mail or in person by following the directions below.

Mail In Ballot Option

To vote via mail in ballot, you must request a ballot BY December 31st, 2022. CLICK HERE to request a ballot.

Vote in Person Option

To vote in person in January (DATES TBD), register HERE ASAP.


Local ADEMS Labor Candidates

(Click HERE for a comprehensive list of candidates)

AD 23

Forest Peterson – SEIU 521

AD 24

Rene Camacho - Laborers 270

Alex Caraballo - IBEW 332

Sam Munoz - Carpenters 405

Alma Cruz – SEIU UHW

Victoria Birbeck Herrera - FUDTA

AD 25

Enrique Arguello - Laborers 270

Luis Arguello - Laborers 270

Lalbabu "Babu" Prasad – SEIU UHW

Will Smith - IBEW 332

Laurie Drocic - Carpenters 405

AD 26

Jeffrey Buchanan - Machinists Lodge 93

Neil Park-McClintick - Machinists Lodge 93

AD 28

Sean Hebard – Northern California Carpenters

Christopher Paup - IBEW 332

Olivia Navarro - Laborers 270

Heather Wright – SEIU UHW

Vaughn Flaming - SEIU 521

AD 29

Juan Cabrera - Teamsters 890

John Hughes - IUPAT DC 16

Ronald Robinson - IBEW 332

Maria Noel Fernandez – Machinists Lodge 93

Patty Padilla Salsberg - CSEA

Rebeca Armendariz - Machinists Lodge 93






(SAN JOSE, Calif.) – Clerical workers at California Waste Solutions (CWS) in San Jose are on an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike this morning to protest the company’s violations of federal labor law. Nearly 150 drivers, mechanics, and landfill workers at two CWS facilities are honoring the picket line, causing major disruptions to recycling services throughout San Jose and surrounding communities.

The 10-person clerical unit, represented by Teamsters Local 350, has been fighting for a contract for more than a year and a half. Local 350 filed ULP charges against CWS for refusing to negotiate in good faith and failing to have actual decision makers at the bargaining table.

“We’re fighting for our future, for our security, and for the equality and respect we deserve for serving our community. We are asking that the company respect us and negotiate for real at the bargaining table,” said Magaly Castillo, a two-year clerical worker at CWS.  

Due to the prolonged negotiation process and pattern of bad faith bargaining by the employer, Castillo and her co-workers took a strike authorization vote in July On Dec. 20, they unanimously voted down the company’s contract proposal that would destroy their job security and allow the company to subcontract their work.

“We are the voice of this company. We love our San Jose residents and are grateful to serve this community,” said Mayra Perez, a five-year clerical worker at CWS. “We are asking for this company to show us that they value our hard work and dedication to our community. Right now they are showing us the opposite by trying to take away our worker protections.”

The Teamster waste workers joined with community and political allies on the picket line in solidarity and called on the company to bargain a fair contract in good faith.  

“I am proud to stand in solidarity with the waste management professionals of California Waste Solutions in their call for a safe working environment that protects both workers and the communities they serve through essential collection and recycling services,” said Sen. Dave Cortese, Chair of the California Senate Committee on Labor, Public Employment, and Retirement. “Fair and safe working conditions are essential to ensuring these workers can continue to conduct their important business to improve our environmental footprint, conserve resources, and protect public health.”

In addition to the support from the public and their fellow Local 350 members, clerical workers have also received the support of workers represented by other unions in the area, including machinists who also work at CWS and are represented by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union.  

“The South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council authorized a strike sanction in solidarity with California Waste Solutions workers who are demanding safety on the job and a secure future for their families,” said Jean Cohen, Executive Officer of the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council. “We encourage management to immediately resume negotiations to ensure employees have healthy working conditions and reliable employment.”

The strike has shut down all curbside residential recycle pick-up in San Jose and halted operations at the company’s material recovery facility.

“In 2019, Local 350 members publicly supported CWS’ bid with the city, and we expect that the respect and support would go both ways,” said John Bouchard, Secretary Treasurer of Local 350. “These workers continued showing up to work during the pandemic to keep the company operating and even made it more profitable. They are striking today to show that they won’t stand for these labor law violations or for being disrespected in this way. We won’t back down until our members protected under a strong Teamster contract that addresses workplace concerns, protects jobs, and holds management accountable.”  

Bouchard said the all-women clerical group is one of three bargaining units represented by Local 350 at CWS, noting how differently management treats them.

Chartered on October 8, 1936, Teamsters Local 350 represents members throughout the Bay Area in the Solid Waste & Recycling Division, the Industrial Trades Division, and Public Sector Division.




Get ready for labor's favorite union vs union bowling tournament. Stay tuned for team and sponsorship information.

2023 Meeting Schedule

Join the club! Free Membership for SBLC Delegates.


Click HERE to sign up



South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council







South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Statement 

The South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council condemns in the strongest terms the deeply disturbing, racist, and harmful remarks and actions by Los Angeles City Council members Nury Martinez, Kevin de Leon and Gil Cedillo, and Los Angeles Labor Federation President Ron Herrera.

There is no place for racism, classism, or discrimination of any kind in California politics and especially in the fight for workers' rights and protections. We echo the call from Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation, that the council members must resign, so we can have the accountability and healing that is necessary to move forward. 




2022 Elecciones Generales
