Workers Memorial Day 2024

South Bay State of Health And Safety: Worker Remembrance and Roundtable

Sunday, April 28th 

10am - 12pm 

38 S Second St, San Jose, CA 95113

We would like to invite you to join us to commemorate Workers Memorial Day, Sunday, April 28th by attending an invite-only worker led briefing on South Bay State of Health And Safety: Worker Remembrance and Roundtable. This day allows us to pay tribute to the tireless contributions of our local workforce, while also looking towards a future where the safety of working people is paramount.

The event will feature a powerful panel discussion, where workers across industries will share their personal stories, needs, and priorities regarding health and safety in the workplace. This is a unique opportunity to hear firsthand the challenges they face, learn how existing protections and services have impacted their lives, and engage in a meaningful conversation. We will also have a unique exhibit that honors our local fallen workers.

Santa Clara County boasts a strong track record of prioritizing worker well-being, with innovative programs like the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement / Fair Workplace Collaborative and the recent expansion of San José's OEA office. Your continued support is crucial in ensuring workers have the resources they need to thrive in a demanding environment. 

Please RSVP by April 5th to confirm your attendance.